Fight for life.

Tom Davies

( Inschrijfgeld De Hollandse 100 | Lid van team: De Timmer Fabriek 10/90 )

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van totaal € 4.000 (92%)

Last Sept 2024, I was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. It was a terrible shock, and what followed was a period of fear, determination and anxiety for myself and my family and friends. I spent 4 months having chemo and radiation and the mental struggles that they bring made me more determined to survive, fight to live was all I thought of. Well by January I have managed to indeed survive and now I want to say thank you to the health care I received here in The Netherlands by joining this event and with your help and support raise money so that the hospitals can continue to save lives as they did mine. I once read an article of someone saying " No one listens to the weak ... " , well I say this let us help the weak and the infirmed. Six months after being diagnosed with this awful illness I will ride again to help inspire fellow sufferers, that they too will survive with your kind support .... thank you for listening  x

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€ 10 21-02-2025 | 17:16 Good luck Tom!!
€ 20 21-02-2025 | 12:25 Saw your brother's post on LinkedIn, Tom. Glad you told cancer to fuck off. Give it a kick in the balls from me.
€ 25 19-02-2025 | 12:18 Heel belangrijk het te blijven steunen. Het kan iedereen overkomen
€ 500 19-02-2025 | 10:40 You have been like a father to me Tom, thank you for everything all your support and for being an amazing friend.
€ 10 18-02-2025 | 22:09