Ride & Glide for the Lymphoma Fight 💪

Marije van Bruggen

( Early bird deal - registration fee De Hollandse 100  | Member of team: Team Levi9 De Hollandse 100 )

Still to go

from €500 (40%)

The Hollandse100 represents hope for those battling lymphoma and I am happy to do my bit in getting closer to a cure.

Raised €250

Raised €500

Raised €1,000

Received first donation

Received 10 donations

Received 25 donations

Received 50 donations

Posted a blog update

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€100 22-11-2024 | 13:16 Welkom bij Team Levi9. Levi9 betaalt hierbij jouw inschrijfgeld. Wij wensen je veel succes en plezier bij de Hollandse 100 én het fondsenwerven voor onderzoek naar lymfeklierkanker.
€100 22-11-2024 | 13:13